Monday, March 7, 2011

Zombies Need Love Too, Also Pomade

Dear Bethany,

I thought that maybe if I added David to this photo that maybe somehow it would be better. I was wrong and he ended up looking like a zombie. My bad. Zombies are cool right now though right?


Heather, Des and Unlucky Aquatic Mammals

Dear Heather,

As requested here is a completely terrible sketch of yours and Desmond's faces. Apparently I am not very good at drawing teeth. So that is why you sort of look like a beaver who just lost a fight with an automobile. Enjoy!


Friday, March 4, 2011

These are getting slightly better...slightly

Dear Olivia,

I tried very had to make this terrible. Nicki is just too good of a photographer.


Eva and the Bug

Dear Eva,

If it wasn't for the Bug this sketch would be 35% worse. You my friend are very lucky.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

There are no words

Dear Dustin,

What can honestly be said that this sketch does not already say?


To my favorite Mom

Dear Mom,

Thanks for giving me absolutely zero art skills. Jeez! Also, I love you.


David Bowie/Ryan lovechild

Dear Ryan,

Yeah, I pretty much didn't care at all when I drew this. My bad.
